My book about .NET performance profiling just got released!


You can get it from Simple Talk web site, at

I am quite proud to make this announcement, as I have really worked like crazy on this international version. At first, I thought it would be a “simple” exercise of translation from my original French book, but it turned out it took much more than the few months I thought necessary.

In addition to rewrite the book, I had to rewrite the whole sample application code. And it was also a good opportunity to update to .NET 4.0, which included adding some paragraphs. Some others had to be modified following advice from my excellent technical reviewer Paul Glavitch. At last, my editor Marianne Crowder was as precise in the language that I wanted this book to be, and some parts had to take almost ten roundtrips between us to get both of us satisfied. Finally, I spent more time writing this book in English than I did on the initial French version!

As a release event, I am doing a webinar with Red Gate, on the subject of performance profiling in .NET, of course: see for more details, and I hope to see you there!

About JP Gouigoux

Jean-Philippe Gouigoux is a French software architect & MVP Connected Systems Developer. He regularly talks at University of South Brittany and Agile Tour.
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